The Friends strongly supports continuing to support Minnesota’s environment and natural resources by voting “Yes” on Nov. 5 from the Minnesota Lottery.
Current Projects
Join us now to help promote and protect our local parks and trails.
The Friends of the Parks Embarks on Pollinator Garden Projects
The Friends hopes to engage middle and high school-aged volunteers as an environmental service learning project.
The Friends of the Parks Monitoring and Advocating for Several Issues
Friends supporting greater access to Pig’s Eye Park, and protections for Ramsey County grassland, and former Boy’s Totem Town.
Weekend birding events are underway
Learn more about birding, or just the beauty of being quiet in the woods, on these four collaborative local gatherings.
Board openings for Friends of the Parks and Trails
Concerned about climate change, green space? Eager to advance your leadership skills? Apply for our volunteer board of directors.
Fishing tackle is killing swans, county says
Swans are dying on Sucker Lake in Vadnais Heights, and Ramsey County natural resources is asking for your help!
Treetop Views: Contact your legislators!
Off-road trails are growing in number around the state, putting habitat and water resources increasingly at risk.
Cannabis use in St. Paul parks: What is safe? What is fair?
Should cannabis products be allowed in St. Paul parks? The city Parks and Rec Commission welcomes your feedback.
Introducing ‘Treetop Views’
Friends of the Parks and Trails’ new monthly newsletter, Treetop Views, will share information about city and county parks, trails and green spaces.