Pig’s Eye Park is the largest and least known public park in St. Paul. That can change if you voice support for a city STAR Grant!
Bruce Vento trail tour will ask: Is there room for BRT?
Reducing driving will protect against climate change. But let’s move the proposed Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit off the Bruce Vento trail.
Survey says: Our members are active outdoors!
Friends’ members enjoy the outdoors, with bird-watching hikes and easy-paced bike tours among their top group activities.
Updated bylaws seek to reflect changing language
Members and the board voted in June 2023 to use inclusive “they/them” pronouns in Friends of the Parks and Trails’ bylaws.
City, County Parks Need Your Voice Today!
If you use and enjoy our city and county parks and trails, urge your state House and Senate representatives to increase funding!
Moving Forward, with Your Support
Hello to our Members and Friends: As the board president of Friends of the Parks & Trails, I am pleased to say that 2022 has been a positive step toward […]
2021: A Year of Challenges
Dear Friends and Members, 2021 has continued to be a year of challenges in the face of the pandemic, reinforcing the importance of parks and open space as areas of […]
Preserve open spaces: grasslands, former golf course
Dear members and friends, Best wishes to you all for a Happy New Year! This year is beginning with a new spirit of hope as vaccines are being distributed and […]
Update from Friends of the Parks and Trails
Dear Friends, I hope this note finds each of you safe and healthy. Thus far, 2020 has proved to be quite the year. We entered into 2020 with the hopes […]